Saturday, March 30, 2013

Active Parenting

In a video by Michael Popkins we learned that balise has two meanings 1. The bottom of the boat which is weighed down or stabilized so the boat does not tip over. 2. That which gives stability to character.  There are four things we need to balance our character.
·         Courage: cour means strengthening of the heart.
·         Responsibility: the ability to respond.  Choices vs. consequences.
·         Cooperation: to work together.
·         Respect: to esteem.
When we use these four attributes to teach our children, while parenting, it can help to balance their character.  How we respond to our children and NOT react will determine what they learned from the experience, especially in the future. The way we teach our children now will determine their future.     

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Family Dinner

     Women were put into the workforce during WWII because businesses were in need of employees.  After WWII was over, women liked the feeling of independence and earning a little extra cash for their own use.  When both parents work in the family unit there is less family togetherness, like eating dinner together.  Eating together can be a very intimate thing.  Families that eat together contribute to less criminal activity, premature sex, etc.  Family dinner is a time to share about daily experiences and what went good or bad in each other’s day.  Eating together brings a bond between children and parents that may only happen when families eat together.  I have noticed how family dinner has changed my family and have seen how my brothers and sister have implemented in their own families.  They converse about their days and also plan future activities together.  My siblings have a stronger bond with their spouses and also with their children because of eating together as a family.     

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Family Council

We are asked to have a family council at least once a week with our spouse and/or children. 

The council process is:

·         Council in a group

·         Speak openly

·         Be frank with each other

·         Come to a consensus after a discussion

·         Align our will with Heavenly Fathers

·         Express love and appreciation

I like how Elder Ballard put it “There has never been a time when the world was in greater need of the strength and security that are best sown and cultivated in the deep, fertile soil of family love.  Successful families have a wide assortment of tools, and one of the most useful tools is family council.”

The concept of family council strengthening the family and bringing them closer together has remained true in my life.  Although my family and I do not council every week we would do it at least once or twice a month.   There are times when it is only my parents and I or the entire family all together around the table, but every time we do family council I feel closer to my family and a stronger bond with each one of my siblings and parents.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Change your challenges into opportunities

When handling a danger or crisis our brain can only thing of that one situation.  It is very wise to take a step back and think of that situation.  This helps us to realize not just our situation, but also others around us.  When being mindful we first need to notice what we are thinking.  Second, assess our thoughts.  Are these thoughts good or bad and will they change us for the better?  Lastly, change what you are thinking.  If you can change your mindfulness, you can change your life and your will be happier.  If we could change our challenges into opportunities we would all be so much happier and live a more fulfilling life.